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Rev. Mia Deva’ine


I am Taino.

Long before Columbus’ arrival in the Caribbean, it was populated by indigenous people, THE TAINO INDIANS.

Being the first non-European people encountered by Christopher Columbus on his mission to America., Taino Indians were the pre-Columbian civilization that flourished in the Bahamas, the Caribbean Sea and FLORIDA.

Taino translates to noble and good.

Very connected to nature, we understand everything from the grandest mountain to the tiniest pebble, hold spiritual significance.

Born, raised, and educated by Shaman’s, I have been blessed to have a strong connection to my ancestors and share in their collective wisdom. Since birth, I have been chosen and anointed through rigorous training and initiations on how to connect and communicate with Archangels and Guides.


Journey Into Shadow Work…

Dive into the world of shadow work and discover the power of self-acceptance and compassion! Your shadow self is not a flaw, it’s a natural part of what makes you. By seeing every part of yourself, you’ll experience a profound sense of clarity and authenticity, leading towards a more purposeful and fulfilling life. During a session with me, we turn unresolved emotions into opportunities for growth, self-awareness, and positive transformation.

So, let’s take a deep breath, summon our inner strength, and shine a light on the parts of ourselves that need some loving and attention. Together, we can break free from our self-imposed limitations and unlock who we truly are!

As a Hyeoka Empath, I use my extraordinary mirroring skills and sense of humor to shift the consciousness from a self-pity one towards a consciousness of accountability and integrity.

I create a unique uplifting environment that nurtures, heals, and helps you transform.

THERE ARE NO COINCIDENCES, if you are reading this, the shadow side is calling out for attention. It’s time to listen and take action!

Book a session today to transform your triggers into triumphs. With courage, self-awareness, and guidance, you can turn your emotional reactions into opportunities for growth and empowerment. Your shadow is a part of you, and it’s time to own it! By acknowledging and accepting our shadows, we can break free from projecting on others and live an authentic life full of mental and emotional harmony.

Let’s step into your Power and heal by becoming the person you were intended to be before life happened!

Please call the hotel at 386-228-2323 to schedule an appointment.
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Our Psychic Mediums are professionals whom have many years of experience as well as large and loyal followings. The will give their "All" to make your Reading as Accurate and Spiritually Enriched as possible.

There are times, however, where there is no connection due to energy incompatibility. When this happens, please do not be offended if your Reader stops the Sessions and brings you back for a refund or to choose another Reader. This is not a personal reflection. We simply want you to have the best experience possible.

Likewise, within the first ten minutes, you'll know whether there is a connection between you and your Reader. If you feel the connection is not there, please Speak Up! We will gladly refund your money, or place you with another Reader. Most notably, Do Not wait until the end or near the end of your Session if you are dissatisfied, as you are paying for your Reader's valuable time.

Although having an "unsuccessful" Reading is rare - Don't give up! Try again! Our excellent reputation of over 100 years stands proof of our commitment to those who seek our Counsel.

All decisions you are making are yours alone. Please use your best judgment and discretion when making personal decisions based upon a reading. All readings are not intended to replace medical, legal, or financial advice. Please counsel with the appropriate figures to determine a best course of action for yourself and loved ones.