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Ascended Masters Class

March 22 @ 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Ascended Masters Class
March 22 @3-5pm

Learn about the Ascended Masters and how they work with us in our everyday lives. In this interactive class taught by Psychic Medium, Helena Falcon, she will explain the history and origin of the Ascended Masters and how to work with their higher vibrational energies and teachings. Class cost is $30 cash and takes place at Hotel Cassadaga. Call 386-228-2323 to register.
Helena Falcon is a certified Psychic Medium and Reiki Practitioner. She has studied extensively in Cassadaga and received her Certification from Delphi University. Helena is a member and a Trustee on the Board of Directors for the International Association of Metaphysics where she came to learn about the Ascended Masters. She has been an avid Theosophy student in different geographical locations.


March 22
3:00 pm - 5:00 pm